Switch Telecom offers a professional South African voice recording (IVR) service for all your switchboard messaging requirements, at a fraction of the cost that you would usually pay to add this professional touch to your switchboard solution. You can choose from two customised voice recording packages or any ad hoc recordings that your business might require from time to time.
In effect, your tone of voice can say a lot about your business, whether you want to sound polished and professional, or friendly and relaxed. Consequently, Switch Telecom’s voice messaging will help you to give callers the perfect first impression. Our professional voice artist will record your greetings and switchboard prompts, following a script you specify in a voice style you prefer. Thereafter, a VoIP Specialist will add the messages to your Switch Telecom Hosted Switchboard solution.
What you need to get started:
A Switch Telecom Hosted Switchboard.
See Pricing for packages