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Online VoIP Applications

Nail guns have replaced hammers over time in the construction industry. They are powerful, easy to operate and boost productivity for nailing tasks. However, nail guns are a leading cause of injury among residential ‘carpenters’. They are responsible for an estimated 37,000 emergency room visits each year in the United States alone. Puncture wounds to the hands and fingers are most common. More serious injuries, such as a nail to the head, leg and thigh often occur.

The Industrial and Construction industries provide their employees with training to prevent on-the-job accidents from occurring. But how can the residential ‘carpenter’ protect themselves from injury?

You are probably wondering what nail gun injuries have to do with being a Switch Telecom VoIP Partner. It’s simple really; half of these injuries could have been prevented if the nail gun user just read the manual. Comparatively, a large portion of Online VoIP applications we receive lack the required supporting documentation.

Approval of Online VoIP applications has become one of the most time-consuming functions within our organisation because of incomplete documentation. There is often a lot of back and forth between our partners. This can lead to an extremely frustrating signup process for our prospective clients and everyone involved.

Worst of all, even with our team following up on incomplete applications some are never completed and processed. Which is a shame as the client loses out on a cost-effective VoIP solution. In addition, there has been a lot of time and energy spent with no positive outcome.

Completing the Online VoIP Application is Pretty Straight Forward

Over the years we have tried to tailor the signup process to make it as easy as possible for our partners. We introduced the Online VoIP Sign Up Portal which makes signing up for a Switch Telecom service a lot simpler. Best of all each of our partners gets their own unique link. When the clients sign up using the link, and once their account has been created on our system, their account will automatically be linked their Switch Telecom Reseller.

Completing the Online Sign Up is pretty simple and structured in such a way that it is easy to understand. In addition, you can capture your client’s information and upload the relevant supporting documentation before clicking submit.

Here are a few pointers when submitting the Online Sign Application via the Portal:

  • If your client requires additional services not available on the Online Sign Portal, respond to the automated ticket generated once the application has been digitally submitted and detail the additional requirements or special instructions.
  • We are happy if our partners assist clients in completing the Online VoIP Sign Up, however, but it’s important to note, that a Reseller cannot agree to the terms of service on a client’s behalf.
  • Ensure that you have all the supporting documentation requested when assisting the client with the Online VoIP application.
  • Make sure the copies of the ID book, passport and other supporting documents are clear and no information has been cut off when scanning and uploading to the Online Sign Up portal.
  • Once the Online Sign Up has been approved on our prevetting portal and the order has been placed, a contract will be generated and emailed to your client.
  • Please make sure that the client signs and initials each page of this contract and sends it back to us so that we can begin processing the order.
  • Both the Debit Order Mandate and Porting Mandate sections of the contract require a full signature.
  • Lastly, we will not process an order if we haven’t received the signed and initialled contract from the client.

The Right information will always ensure the Right Solution

  • Always ensure that the services section has been completed in full and to the best of your ability.
  • When selecting your client’s solution, don’t forget to select the right billing package and the number range required.
  • Remember a Hosted Switchboard always requires a SIP Trunk Solution. Don’t forget to stipulate the number of channels (simultaneous calls) your client requires.
  • If your client is porting, we have to adhere to the Number Porting Regulations in South Africa. As such we require a valid, recent (not older than three months) and clear copy of their current provider invoice. The invoice needs to show the number/s porting onto the Switch Telecom network.  We cannot port a number if the client is in arrears with their current provider or if they have already cancelled the number.
  • It’s very important to verify that the name of the client on the current supplier’s invoice matches the name on the new VoIP Online Application. A cede letter needs to be drafted and submitted together with the application if the details differ. This letter needs to confirm the transfer of the number or numbers from one entity to another.  The authorised person who currently ‘owns’ the number/s being ported needs to sign this letter.

Proof of Address for Prepaid Clients

The following documents can be used to verify your client’s proof of address if they have selected the prepaid method of payment:

  • A utility bill, such as water, electricity or rates and taxes (less than 3 months).
  • A bank statement or financial statement from a financial institution (less than 3 months old).
  • A copy of a signed lease agreement (by both parties), (less than 1 year old).
  • A home loan statement from a financial institution, (less than 6 months old).
  • A telephone account, i.e. a landline or cellphone account (less than 3 months old).
  • Official correspondence from the South African Revenue Services (SARS) (less than 3 months old).
  • An official tax return/tax assessment (less than 1 year old),

Further Documents that can be used to Prove Proof of Address:

  • A recent life insurance policy issued by an insurance company.
  • A recent short-term insurance policy document or a short-term insurance renewal letter (less than 1 year old).
  • Correspondence from a body corporate or shareblock association (less than 3 months old).
  • Security service providers registered with PSIRA (Private Security Industry Regulatory Authority), e.g. Chubb, ADT (PSIRA number must be visible/recorded on the document).
  • Television license renewal or confirmation letter.
  • Subscription TV, e.g. MultiChoice statement (Not Netflix, Disney, Apple etc.).
  • Motor vehicle registration documents.

There is a Good Reason for everything we Do and Request

The VoIP industry is growing rapidly in South Africa, and so too are the criminal elements trying to take advantage of our cost-effective solutions. Application fraud is an increasing problem and it’s for this reason we have a strict vetting process. This will ultimately protect our business and our partner’s and client’s businesses as well.

Switch Telecom is constantly looking to improve our processes and speeding up the processing of Online VoIP applications. We are busy integrating RICA verification to make things easier and to assist in preventing fraud. However, it’s important to note that the correct supporting documentation will still be a requirement for the processing of applications.

It’s for this reason that we need our partner’s help. Please follow our guidelines and read all the correspondences that we send. We can assure you that it will never be a waste of time and it sure beats a nail in the head.

Contact us for any questions you might have.  We are always happy to help.

May 27th, 2024|Latest News|

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